CROCUS Conference Beyond Site/Sight 2024

The cross-disciplinary network CROCUS is inviting you to a conference around the theme of cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity. During the conference we will explore policies, digital and physical places and platforms for culture and creativity as well as performance and play. The point of departure will be placemaking.
The aim of the conference is to:
- Understand the aesthetics and the role of materiality, emotions, bodies, and senses to reach an understanding of transformations beyond restrictions by reason and measure.
- Capture affects, ambiances, experiences, and the tacit knowledge, embedded in spaces and places of transformation with regards to innovation, co-creation, and sustainability.
- Enhance knowledge and understanding of activities, practices, models, methods, and tools for and within creative eco-systems.
- Facilitate flows of creative processes, value-creating processes, value-creating resources, and circular supply chains to gain new knowledge of how cultural and creative practices and industries can relate to dynamic and sustainable urban spaces and environments.
The conference is arranged in collaboration between the CROCUS network, Helsingborg municipality and Region Skåne and held at Brandstationen and Dunker’s Cultural Center in Helsingborg. CROCUS focuses on cultural and creative industries aiming to create a dynamic and living environment that strengthens both research and education. Hence, this event addresses researchers, artists and practitioners in culture, creativity, and the arts to blur the borders between art, design, architecture, social science, and the humanities to produce objects and forms that could be vectors of scientific inquiry, mediation with different stakeholders at a wider scale.
The first day of the conference focuses on research and research methods, the second day of the conference focuses on policy and application and the third day focuses on education and cross disciplinary possibilities for education.
Registration to the conference is now closed. We look forward to meeting you.
For more information, visit the conference site. Link here.
Om evenemanget
Various locations in Helsingborg
marie [dot] ledendal [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se