Courses and course syllabi
in the first and second cycles
The decision-making process for a course involves several stages and the decisions are made at different levels. For those writing course syllabi or administering courses, there is information below on the procedures that apply within the Faculty of Social Sciences and who to contact for support.
Establishing courses
Courses that are new or have undergone changes that entail a new course code are to be established by the Faculty Board. Read more about the faculty’s procedures below.
Procedures for establishing and approving first and second-cycle course syllabi (PDF 91 kB)
Writing course syllabi
On the Staff Pages there is a handbook (in Swedish) to guide you through the process. The handbook provides good examples, tips on wording, the reasoning behind the various parts of a syllabus and the regulatory background. Via the list of contents, you can click through to the section you want to find out more about.
Support for writing course syllabi and programme syllabi – Staff Pages (in Swedish)
Supplementary information on internship courses
Regarding course syllabi for internship courses, special circumstances must be taken into consideration. The document produced by the Faculty of Social Sciences provides recommendations as well as examples of wording that can be used in internship course syllabi.
Template for course syllabi for elective internship courses (PDF kB)
Supplementary information on degree projects
The faculty’s guidelines for degree projects provide instructions that you should take into account when creating course syllabi.
Guidelines for first and second-cycle degree projects (PDF 49 kB)
Contact the Course Syllabus Committee
It is strongly recommended to get assistance from the faculty-wide Course Syllabus Committee before new course syllabi are to be established or existing course syllabi are to undergo major revisions. The Course Syllabus Committee usually meets once a month and reviews the course syllabi that the departments wish to address.
Read more about the Course Syllabus Committee
Establishing course syllabi
The department board/equivalent makes the decision to establish a course syllabus. The decision may also be made by a management committee for a study programme, if the programme has one.
When a course syllabus is established in Lubas, a disciplinary domain classification must be stated. Disciplinary domain classification is linked to the price of the course. Contact the Faculty’s programme coordinator if you have any questions concerning course classification.
Creating and establishing reading lists
The reading list is a separate document and must be established by the department board/equivalent at the latest eight weeks before the start of the course. Consider the choice of authors from gender and diversity perspectives.
The reading list must have a consistent reference system.
- State the authors using surname and first name, and list them in alphabetical order.
- State the total number of pages as well as the number of pages for each type of material (compendiums, article collections, webpages etc.).
- State the ISBN for books.
- In cases where the student is only assessed on selected parts of a book, this should be stated in the reading list, e.g. chapters 1-12, 16-17 or by page reference, pages 1-115, 170-212.
- Also specify which research articles are included.
For first-cycle courses worth 15 credits, the guideline is 2,000 pages, and for second-cycle courses worth 15 credits, 2,500 pages. Deviations from the guidelines can be justified, for example, by the nature of the required reading, a large proportion of research articles, or practical elements in the course.
Establishing the range of courses
The department board/equivalent decides which courses will be offered in each semester.
Björn Badersten
Pro Dean
Head of first and second cycle eduation
bjorn [dot] badersten [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (bjorn[dot]badersten[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 01 59
Malin Schatz
Educational director
Faculty Office
+46 46 222 72 64
malin [dot] schatz [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (malin[dot]schatz[at]sam[dot]lu[dot]se)
Mårten Frostgård
Programme coordinator
+46 46 222 83 18
marten [dot] frostgard [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (marten[dot]frostgard[at]sam[dot]lu[dot]se)
Josefin Larsson
Programme coordinator
Faculty Office
josefin [dot] larsson [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se