Share your research results
The Faculty of Social Sciences offers support in various forms to make it easier for you to communicate your research.
Present your research via LUCRIS/the Research Portal
Registering your research in the LUCRIS research database makes the research accessible both to colleagues and wider society. You can summarise your research, show your collaborations, the publications you have written, and other activities generated by your research.
Read more about presenting your research in LUCRIS and the Research Portal
Publishing your research
The Social Sciences Faculty Library can support you in publishing with open access, or in choosing a journal or publisher.
Choosing a journal or publisher
Compiling and monitoring research
Communicating your research
The Staff Pages have many useful tips on how to communicate your research and write popular science material.
Communicating your research (Staff Pages)
Please contact the faculty's research communication officer if you would like help getting the word out about your research.
Read more on the Communication support page
External engagement
Do you want support in developing external engagement? Follow the link below to find out more and take inspiration from your colleagues!
The librarians at the Social Sciences Faculty Library give support regarding the Research Portal, open access, and how to choose journal/publisher:
Social Sciences Faculty Library
forskningsstod [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (forskningsstod[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Maja Carlson
+46 46 222 09 94
Helena Stjernberg Tagesson
Vera Vendler
Campus Helsingborg Library
+46 42 35 65 73
Ann-Sofie Zettergren
+46 46 222 16 92
For support and guidance regarding other research commmunication, please contact the Faculty's communication officers: