Employment and support
Here you will find information on terms of employment and support services for doctoral students at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Salary increase in stages - your responsibility
It is the responsibility of the doctoral student to ensure that applications for salary increase are submitted when the necessary credits have been earned. The doctoral student’s salary is increased in stages according to a salary ladder on completion of 60 credits, 120 credits and 180 credits, respectively. The application is to be signed by the supervisor and the head of department and submitted to the HR coordinator at your department. Retroactive payments are limited to a 6-month period.
The credits are to be calculated as 60 credits = one year of full-time studies within your doctoral studies in the form of doctoral courses and/or dissertation work (time for departmental duties such as teaching, leave of absence etc is not included in the basis for the salary increase).
Application form for new salary level (PDF 780 kB, new tab)
Extensions of employment due to the Covid-19 pandemic
For some doctoral students, the corona pandemic and its restrictions have meant delays and that the doctoral studies cannot be completed within four years (full-time).
Teacher training courses
Doctoral students who teach at Bachelor's or Master's level are expected to undergo at least two weeks of education for teaching in higher education.
Read more about courses for teaching in higher education here
Professional development abroad and international partnerships
On the “International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU” Canvas page, you can learn about global opportunities for Lund University doctoral students, such as webinars, travel scholarships and competitions. Updates will be published throughout the semester. Do not forget to turn on the notifications to receive live updates!
Register to "International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU" in Canvas.
Read more about international opportunities for faculty staff
The Career Portal
The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a career portal for all social sciences students. In the portal, you will find career support in the form of tips, exercises, and videos that give you a better understanding of how your education can be translated into reality, how you can write your skills for an employer, and give you tools to find a job that you really enjoy.
Register yourself in the Career Portal in Canvas
Information on the faculty’s research representative, library supports for researchers, how to communicate your research, LUCRIS, research funding etc.
More information on Staff pages
Helen Wiman
Faculty Coordinator
+46 46 222 48 35
helen [dot] wiman [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se