Strategy for the Faculty of Social Sciences, 2021–2026
The faculty is to attract and retain committed students and employees. Research and education is to strive for the highest quality and lead nationally while offering international excellence. Activities should be characterised by an open and creative climate, diversity, collaboration and an inquisitive and critical approach. The faculty is to tackle complex societal challenges through a broad range of subjects, interdisciplinary collaboration and collaboration with wider society.
Prioritised areas
Education and research should be intertwined
- Teaching staff are to carry out active research, and the faculty is to strive to ensure a balance between research and education over the long term.
- The range of courses is to be characterised by breadth and depth, involve lifelong learning, and contract education and the amount of third-cycle courses are to be increased.
- Teaching methods and educational development are to be prioritised.
- Student participation in research is to be encouraged and promoted.
Active collaborations to be promoted
- Cross-border and interdisciplinary collaborations are to be promoted.
- External engagement is to be further developed and promoted.
Development towards an international faculty is to continue
- An international perspective is to permeate research,education, administration and recruitment.
- International mobility for students and staff is to be promoted.
- The faculty is to exploit opportunities in the University’s international partnerships and networks,as well as expand and intensify collaborations with strategic partners and leading universities.
Leadership and employeeship are to be factors for success
- Managers at every level are to have the expertise and ability to prioritise, lead and develop their organisation and have access to qualified administrative support.
- All employees are to contribute to an active and responsible sense of employeeship.
- Recruitment, promotion and skills development are to be based on the organisation’s long-term needs.
Students, employees and visitors are to be offered attractive environments
- The organisation is to be characterised by a positive work environment, gender equality and equal opportunities – for both students and employees.
- The faculty is to be characterised by a positive study environment and organisationally accessible support,both digitally and on both campuses.
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A world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.