Teaching and Learning Research Methods in Social Sciences
This is a new course for those who teach social science research methods and want to explore new ways to develop their pedagogy and strengthen students' learning.
The course will be both practically and theoretically grounded in order to provide the conditions for reflecting together on challenges and opportunities in methods teaching. The aim is to provide you as a teacher with tools to develop learning activities that inspire and engage students in research methodology.
Through interactive seminars and your own project work, you will have the opportunity to analyse pedagogical challenges in your own methods teaching, explore theoretical perspectives on teaching and learning methods, create and test solutions to improve students' understanding of research methods, and discuss and receive feedback from engaged colleagues.
Course themes and dates
Introduction: March 24, 13-16
Research methods in the syllabus: 7 April, 13-16
How do we balance breadth and depth in methodology courses? Discussion of the role of methodology courses in reproducing or challenging disciplinary traditions.
Students and learning research methods: 22 April, 13-16
How can we meet the students' different prerequisites, motivation and learning styles in methodology courses?
Teaching strategies for research methods: 29 April, 13-16
Panel discussion with experienced methods teachers. Focus on strategies for teaching specific methods.
Peer review: 15 May, 13-16
Presentation and discussion of the participants' projects. Feedback is given by course participants.
Final seminar with a critical friend: 13 June, 9-12
The projects are presented and discussed with a focus on the development of teaching.
Josefin Larsson
Education coordinator
+ 46 46 222 48 93
marie [dot] steiner [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (josefin[dot]larsson[at]sam[dot]lu[dot]se)