The week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas, for cross-disciplinary collaborations, for raising public awareness and for inspiring sustainable change.
Monday 8 April
- Hur kan DU påverka lokalt och inom EU? - Om klimatfrågan inför EU-valet | Hållbarhetsforum (
Moderator: Håkan Johansson, School of Social Work
Tuesday 9 April
- Kan cirkulära tjänster rädda oss? Digitala plattformar och cirkulär klädkonsumtion | Hållbarhetsforum (
Christian Fuentes and Emma Samsioe, Department of Service Studies.
- Roundtable discussion on Brunnshög as a sustainable innovation platform | Hållbarhetsforum (
Roger Hildingsson, Department of Policital Science, participate.
- 'Tinder for cultural cooperation in Storkriket – How art and site development can be used to create a sustainable society! | Hållbarhetsforum (
Organizer: LUCSUS among others.
Art workshop - Share your care for nature | Hållbarhetsforum (
Organizer: LUCSUS among others.
Wednesday 10 April
- Inkluderande klimatomställning – så kan ekosocial integration bidra till lokal omställning | Hållbarhetsforum
Roger Hildingsson, Department of Political Science, participate.
- EU:s klimatpolitik och valet | Hållbarhetsforum (
Roger Hildingsson and Maria Strömvik, Department of Political Science, participate.
- Four climate solutions: techniques to remove carbon dioxide - CCS, CCU and CDR explained | Hållbarhetsforum
Organizer: LUCSUS and other. Lina Lefstad participate
- Join our panel discussion – Modeling our future: A conversation on Climate Economics. | Hållbarhetsforum (
Wim Carton, LUCSUS, participate
- Climates of the Mind - A panel on Climate Psychology, Communication and Action | Hållbarhetsforum (
Kimberly Nicholas, LUCSUS, participate.
Thursday 11 April
Farväl Falsterbo. Följ med på en fiktiv framtidsvandring i en klimatförändrad värld | Hållbarhetsforum (
Organizer Johannes Stripple, Department of Political Science.
Friday 12 April
- Youth in the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change | Hållbarhetsforum (
Organizers: Thomas Hickman and Yi hyun Kang, Department of Political Science.
- Live concert at the Malmö Academy of Music: Klingande Hållbarhet - hur kan musik på olika sätt spela en aktiv roll i skapandet av en hållbar framtid? | Hållbarhetsforum (
Sara Brogaard, LUCSUS participate in the discussion.