Skill School workshop-serie: Introduktion till R

Denna workshop ger en introduktion till programmeringsspråket R för dataanalys inom samhällsvetenskaperna.
Nedan följer en kort sammanfattning och en länk till Skill Schools webbsida där du hittar mer information och kan anmäla dig till denna och andra Skill School-workshops. Workshopen hålls på engelska.
R is an increasingly popular scientific tool and often becomes the first-choice software for implementing newly developed statistical and computational methods, especially within academia. The main goal of the workshop is that participants learn the basic functionality of R language that covers the full cycle of data analysis including data loading, pre-processing, visualisation, modelling, and communication of the results. The practical work is based on real data problems and prepares participants for a whole range of diverse data analysis tasks.
Time: 09.00–12.00 all days.
Arrangeras av: Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum
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In English
skillschool [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se