Multi-situerad etnografi, ett användbart metodologiskt ramverk för kvalitativ kritisk, feministisk eller queer forskning?
Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum presenterar, tillsammans med Mia Liinason och Sunny Gurumayum vid Institutionen för genusvetenskap, den andra workshopen i den nya workshopserien "Future Directions of Ethnography", med Anna Olovsdotter Lööv och Signe Bremer från Mittuniversitetet som gästföreläsare.
Workshopen hålls på engelska. Här nedan kan du läsa mer om innehållet och hur du kan delta!
During recent years, multi-sited ethnography has become an increasingly popular tool for conducting ethnographic research across multiple research sites, in comparative research endeavors or across variegated online-offline sites.
Based on the methodological framework often referred to as multi-sited ethnography, and sometimes denominated multi-situated ethnography, the workshop will explore the following questions: Why is multi-situated ethnography a good methodological framework for qualitative critical, feminist or queer research? What dilemmas can one encounter while performing multi-situated ethnography? What is multi-situated ethnography, and how is the method performed?
To facilitate this workshop, we have invited Anna Olovsdotter Lööv, senior lecturer in Gender Studies, Mid-Sweden University, and Signe Bremer, senior lecturer in Social Work, Mid-Sweden University. A brief introductory lecture will be followed by discussion about a joint reading and writing exercises. The workshop will draw on a co-written chapter by Bremer and Olovsdotter Lööv, as well as their previous and ongoing research.
All interested in multi-situated ethnography are welcome, both beginners and more experienced ethnographers!
09.30 Coffee/tea
10-11.30 Introductory lecture and discussion based on a joint reading
11.30-12.30 Lunch break
12.30-14.00 Writing exercises
15 min. break
14.15-15.15 Shared reflection on the writing and reading
15.15-15.30 Wrapping up
Sista dag för anmälan var den 28 augusti.
Mia Liinason, Professor at the Department of Gender Studies
Sunny Gurumayum, Doctoral student at the Department of Gender Studies
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop in September!
Mia Liinason and Sunny Gurumayum
Arrangeras av: Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum
Om evenemanget
Gamla Kirurgen, R115, Sandgatan 13, Lund
Både nybörjare och mer erfarna etnografer
In English
mia [dot] liinason [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se