CMES-seminarium: Nedtrappning och omstruktureringar – ett nytt Mellanöstern?
Presentation (på engelska) av Visiting Fulbright Schuman Scholar Dalia Dassa Kaye om den bräckliga ordningen i Mellanöstern och utsikterna för att bygga en mer stabil regional säkerhetsarkitektur framåt. Seminariet hålls på CMES (Finngatan 16) och på Zoom.
OBS! Detta seminarium hålls på engelska.
As global powers like China and Russia play a more active role in the Middle East and as Arab governments move toward détente with longtime rivals, a new regional order is forming. But competition will persist, and the order is shakier than it seems. Regional states are not just hedging against perceptions of a reduced U.S. role in the Middle East, they are actively aligning with powers that support the authoritarian consolidation underway. Despite de-escalation trends, the risks for military conflict between the United States and Iran (and Israel and Iran) also remains. This presentation will provide an analysis of this fragile order and the prospects for building a more stable regional security architecture moving forward.
The talk is held at CMES, Finngatan 16 in Lund. If you are not able to attend in-person, there is an option to attend via Zoom. Please register here for Zoom attendance:…
Biographical Note
Dalia Dassa Kaye is a 2023-2024 Fulbright Schuman scholar based at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University and at the German Marshall Fund in Brussels. She is a senior fellow at the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations and was previously a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, where she served as the director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy for nearly a decade. Dalia publishes widely and is a frequent public speaker and contributor to leading media outlets. She holds her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley.
This event is part of the CMES seminar series autumn 2023. For more information, visit the CMES website.
Om evenemanget
CMES seminar room (Finngatan 16) and on Zoom
All are welcome!
In English
linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se