Boksamtal om kulturella och kreativa näringar

Den 15 april håller CROCUS-nätverket ett spännande boksamtal centrerat kring tre nyligen lanserade böcker som alla berör olika aspekter av kreativa verksamheter. Samtalet hålls på engelska.
15:15 Welcome from the CROCUS network
Presentation of the new anthology Creative work - Conditions, Contexts and Practices, editors Erika Andersson Cederholm, Katja Lindqvist, Ida de Wit Sandström, Philip Warkander. Erika Andersson Cederholm (Department of Service Studies, Lunds University) presents the new anthology.
- Erika Andersson Cederholm is Professor of Service Studies at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. Her research interest is within economic sociology, tourism, and working life studies. Her recent research includes studies of lifestyle entrepreneurship in rural contexts, the role of meetings in organisations, and working conditions in the digital games industry.
- Creative work - Conditions, Contexts and Practices features case studies from the European context, contributors tap into the experiences and practices from creative workers, demonstrating their attempts to navigate a changing environment which affects spaces, identities, and professional roles. Providing an opportunity to expand our conception of what creative work is, the book draws on studies of a range of activities, practices and sectors that are usually included in the cultural and creative industries as well as ones that are more untraditional. See link for more information about the book.
Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Making: Sweden in the European Context
Katja Lindqvist (Department of Service Studies, Lund University) presents her new book.
- Katja Lindqvist, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Service Studies and conducts research on organisation and management as well as policy and governance of and in the cultural field. She publishes and teaches in the field of arts management since the 1990s.
- Lindqvist is the author of the book Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Making: Sweden in the European Context (2024) Palgrave MacMillan. The book discusses development and challenges of implementing policy aiming to support development within the creative field in Sweden and at EU level. In particular, the book traces the development over time of CCI policy and points to organisational as well as stakeholder tensions in making policy happen. See link for more information about the book.
Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets
Lizette Gradén and Thomas O'dell (both from the Division of Ethnology, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University) presents their new book.
- Lizette Gradén is an Associate Professor of Ethnology at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences. Her research includes Scandinavian-American culture and heritage, performance, ritual, and tradition, and cultural heritage making in museums and vernacular settings. She led numerous international research and curatorial projects focused on Nordic and American connectivity.
- Tom O’Dell is Professor of Ethnology in the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences at Lund University, Sweden. His research in recent years has focused primarily upon The Cultural Economy, and the manner in which economic and cultural processes can be understood to be entangled in one another.
- Gradén and O’Dell are co-authors of the book Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets (2024) London: Routledge. Focusing on how museums prioritize and produce content, the book demonstrates how economic issues play an ever-larger role in determining how cultural heritage is being framed and presented in contemporary heritage museums. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by the authors at seven museums over the course of five years, this book offers an in-depth analysis of heritage museums in Nordic, Scandinavian and North American contexts. It investigates how economic realities, coupled with the cultural contexts in which museums operate, affect how these institutions organize, manage and develop their collections to make themselves relevant in society. See link for more information about the book.
Moderated talk led by Chris Mathieu (Department of Sociology, Lund University) with Lindqvist, Gardén and O'dell about their books.
- Chris Mathieu is Reader in the Sociology of Work and Organisation at the Department of Sociology at Lund University. He is chair of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network on the Sociology of the Arts (RN02), an affiliated researcher at the Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick and research fellow at the Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (LU). Recent book publications include Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe(Routledge, 2022 with Valerie Visanich) and The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality (OUP, 2022, with Warhurst and Dwyer).
When: 15 April, 2024, 15:15-17:00
Where: LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B352
CROCUS is a growing multidisciplinary network that takes an interest in the cultural and creative industries. The network has Lund University as its base and functions as a platform for education and research within the fields of culture and creativity. For more information about CROCUS network see www.ses.lu.se/crocus
No registration is needed.
Welcome and we hope to see you there!
Om evenemanget
LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B352
In English
marie [dot] ledendal [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se