About the Child Rights Institute
The Child Rights Institute has an overarching aim, with a point of departure in child rights, to create and exchange research-based knowledge within the field and further multidisciplinary science. Furthermore, the network works towards illuminating and supporting children's rights – through research, education, and cooperation with practitioners and the surrounding community – in national and international contexts.
A network with two tasks
The Child Rights Institute at Lund University is a multidisciplinary network organisation active within the area of ”Child Rights”. It has two main tasks: research and cooperation with the surrounding community (including education).
Knowledge exchange and cross-border research applications
The Institute aims to gather researchers in this field of knowledge to stimulate and to support new and continued research with a point of departure in the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
We want to promote national and international knowledge exchange and both keep in touch with and support researchers, educators and networks at Lund University with our knowledge in the area of child rights and children's living conditions in society.
Another task is cooperation in order to promote and support research, recognising and visualising the child's perspective in different contexts – family, health, social processes – and bringing together that perspective with our knowledge of child development in order to promote the well-being of children.
The network also wants to stimulate and support cross-border education and research applications in this field.
National and international education
The Institutewill also work to develop education in the field of Child Rights - nationally as well as internationally. We will for instance work with internet based courses or perhaps MOOCs (massive open online courses). Education may also include Minor Field Studies (MFS), initiatives for teacher and student exchange, master's courses focusing on children and child rights, and supporting contact between research, education and practice.
Multidisciplinary research
We aim to encourage teachers and researchers from Lund University's different faculties to participate. Currently there are researchers from four faculties active at the Institute (Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculties of Humanities & Theology, Faculty of Medicine). The ambition for the Institute is to encourage multidisciplinary activities, based in social science perspectives.
Facebook networking
Get in touch with 300 change agents in 28 countries who are working with CRC (the Convention on the Rights of the Child Child) within education. You are welcome to join the group.
Go to the Facebook group Global Network for CRC Change Agents
Active departments
At the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Sociology of Law Department together with the School of Social Work are both prominent actors within the Child Rights Institute.

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